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explore the pacific – response to text

Polynesian Explorers

Highlight the correct answer, or type in what you think is correct.


  1. When, and where was Tupaia born?


  1. a) Around 1825 in Rā‘iātea
  2. b) Around 1725 in New Zealand
  3. c) Around 1825 in New Zealand
  4. d) Around 1725 in Rā‘iātea


  1. Rā‘iātea is a part of which larger group of islands? 


  1. a) Samoa       b) Tahiti
  2. c) Rapa Nui      d) Micronesia


  1. What was the name of the British official sent to secure British rule over NZ?


  1. a) William Johnson           b) Abel Tasman
  2. c) William Hobson d) Captain James Cook


  1. One day, more people would come – a different kind of people altogether. They would arrive on a canoe with no outrigger and would change everything: “And this land will be taken by them” Vaita said

Did this prophecy come true? Explain.

→Yes, it did. It came true on 18 June 1767 when a boat was seen off the coast of Tahiti, where Tupaia had now lived. 


  1. Only about 20 of the painted hoe that were given to Captain Cook in 1769 by Māori survive.


  1. a) True b) False


  1. Describe the role that Tupaia had on board the Endeavour – what did he do on Captain Cook’s ship?


→Captain James Cook asked Tupaia to help him and Tupaia’s job was to guide and be an interpreter to understand and translate languages for Captain James Cook. Tupaia’s job was to basically translate and be a translator.


interpreter A person who interprets and translates orally. “My job was to be an interpreter to help others.”
diplomat A person who can deal with others in a tactful way or in a sensitive way. “The president will be meeting with different diplomats.”
indigenous  Native people or native animals. “He was a native Tahitian”


  1. Explain the four reasons why Hoe were important, and special pieces of technology for Maori.

→ They were used to collect and transport food like fish and Kumara.

→ Hoe’s helped by bringing large numbers of people to important  gatherings or to carry warriors to battle.

→ Hoe Waka’s can be used as weapons.

→ Maori would use the Hoe to help make their waka travel at great speed.


  1. Tupaia (up until recently) and much more Polynesian history remains oral history (that means told by speaking). How can we ensure that this history is available to learn for future generations? Try to come up with at least 2 ways.


→ We can give them some of the information that we have learned ourselves to give more understanding into the text. Another way is to give them articles/books about Tupaia and history like “The adventures of Tupaia” to help them understand the story and learn more about the history.

Motion sickness – Presentation

Hello, this is my mahi. It is all about motion sickness and tips to help with it! I made this presentation myself and also learnt lots of new things about this! In this, it has “What is motion sickness?” and also has “Motion sickness strategies”. I hope these strategies for motion sickness helps for you if you have it! I had so much fun making this.